tirsdag 20. august 2013

The man who God himself turned his back on

“The Butterfly Circus” is a short movie about a limbless man played by Nick Vujicic. The moral of the movie speaks loud and clearly; “The greater the struggle, the more glorious the triumph!” In this short movie Nick is portrayed as a sad man, born without limbs, who struggles to overcome his disabilities. Both the movie and Nick’s story form real life, truly fulfills a potential that most people wouldn’t even consider to exist, if not proven wrong.

Though this short movie was incredibly touching, Nick Vujicic’s commercial spoke a just as important message; “You win and you lose, but is losing failure?” I couldn’t agree more with this quote, and I think it is a lot more applicable to whoever it might be. Of the highs and lows, it is the highs that matter, and if you find yourself in a dump, you keep trying until you get where you want to be. It is not your potential itself that matters; it is what you do with your potential. Nick Vujicic didn’t emphasize this exact view on the topic, but it was an immediate relation I made after seeing his commercial for the World Cup in South Africa. If a healthy and athletic man climbed a mountain no one would bat an eye, but if man in a wheelchair did the same, it would truly be something for the media. This is a fairly extreme example, but it goes to show just how right Nick Vujicic is. 

Beeing young in Norway and my expectations for this school year

16-years-old, second year of high school and a fresh start. Last year, my first year at Sandvika high school, was quite a big transition from middle school. I had a lot longer way to school, the teachers were all new, but the most significant change from middle school was perhaps what was expected of me as a student. In order consistently get good grades; a much greater amount of work had to be put in. Throughout last year I adapted to this way of working, and therefor feel a lot more comfortable entering this school year. A severe difference from last year is that I’ve chosen the majority of my subjects for this year, and this is a great motivation.

Outside of school I do a lot of sports, play video games and I have a girlfriend. Sadly, I injured my shoulder playing a soccer match in March this year, and two months later had surgery. The recovery time for my injury is long and extensive, so I am prevented from participating in sports for another 4 months. It is really frustrating at times, mainly because exercising is a big part of my every day, but also because my social network lies within these sports. Nevertheless, I try to remember how lucky I am to live in such a prosperous country as Norway, and receive qualified treatment for my injury. It is easy to forget this, you become ignorant to everything outside of this little bubble, and it feels good to be reminded sometimes of how lucky I am.