tirsdag 20. august 2013

The man who God himself turned his back on

“The Butterfly Circus” is a short movie about a limbless man played by Nick Vujicic. The moral of the movie speaks loud and clearly; “The greater the struggle, the more glorious the triumph!” In this short movie Nick is portrayed as a sad man, born without limbs, who struggles to overcome his disabilities. Both the movie and Nick’s story form real life, truly fulfills a potential that most people wouldn’t even consider to exist, if not proven wrong.

Though this short movie was incredibly touching, Nick Vujicic’s commercial spoke a just as important message; “You win and you lose, but is losing failure?” I couldn’t agree more with this quote, and I think it is a lot more applicable to whoever it might be. Of the highs and lows, it is the highs that matter, and if you find yourself in a dump, you keep trying until you get where you want to be. It is not your potential itself that matters; it is what you do with your potential. Nick Vujicic didn’t emphasize this exact view on the topic, but it was an immediate relation I made after seeing his commercial for the World Cup in South Africa. If a healthy and athletic man climbed a mountain no one would bat an eye, but if man in a wheelchair did the same, it would truly be something for the media. This is a fairly extreme example, but it goes to show just how right Nick Vujicic is. 

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