tirsdag 20. november 2012

The Pursuit of Happyness

Year: 2006
Director: Gabriele Muccino
Writer: Steve Conrad
Actors: Will Smith, Thandie Newton and Jaden Smith
Genre: Biography, Drama

Based on a true story of a man named Christopher Gardner. The film describes the troublesome everyday of Chris Gardner in San Francisco in the 80s, we see the shadow side of a country lacking the luxurious welfare state we have in Norway. The Pursuit of Happyness displays the American dream, and how it is a motivation for people to work towards it. It is a truly inspiring story of a man who is left with nothing, and tries to rise from the ashes with marginal opportunities. Constantly being set back, it seems impossible for Chris Gardner to reach his goal. The plot we find in the movie isn´t what typically applies for the average Norwegian, and thusly it is a real eye opener to the far different lifestyle in little Norway.

mandag 5. november 2012

Internet manners

Many youth today spend the majority of their day in front of a computer screen, or in some other way browsing the interwebs. The increased amount of anonymity we find on the internet makes for a whole lot of opinions being shared, the one more ignorant than the other. People argue in a very different manner when they are protected by anonymity, thusly making the internet a hard place to have a proper debate. 

Of the comments we typically see below your average youtube video there are rarely any objective, and even more seldomly, comments worth reading. Simple exclaims like ”crap”, ”shit” and ”gay” are surprisingely enough the most common comments on all of youtube. These are nor objective or noteworthy, and still they are as frequent as the raindrops in Bergen.

I myself think it is a shame that the great opportunities the internet offer, are ”trolled” to death by the reckless 12-year-oldes that roam the endless streets of the World Wide Web. Im sick and tired of it. 

tirsdag 23. oktober 2012


Since the day of dawn, people have been different. It is in our nature to compete, and we are always reaching. This urge to be stronger and better than everyone else, causes inferiority and superiority, making an equal society very improbable. People will always pick on each other, and the weaker will be suppressed. When groups of people gather to mock on one sorry person, we commonly call it bullying.

There is a multitude of reasons to counteract bullying. The childhood of many a man or woman has been jeopardized by the cruel act of bullying. There are several examples of bullying in the adult world as well, but it is a much bigger issue amongst the younger generations. Solving the disagreements between "bully" and victim might not always be too easy, and this is a very controversial topic. Some people think it lies in our very nature to mock on our inferiors, making the potential eradication of the activity a tremendously hard task.

Speculations have been made, that unifying and equalizing people will create less distinct differences amongst people. School uniforms create equality, and is one effort that has been made in battle against bullying. The idea of the school uniform is to make differences within the student society less apparent, so the social and economic of each pupil will not be exposed through there way of dressing.

For the last decade or two, bullying or mobbing, has been a hot topic in both Norway, but also the rest of the Scandinavia. I personally think it is sad that we have not picked up on the use of, for example school uniforms. Some might say it will not have any positive outcome, but I beg to differ.

mandag 17. september 2012

Wolves in Norway

For a long time this has been hot topic in Norway. One opinion being that wolves are of no use to us, and the counter argument being that they have just as much right to live here as we do. The situation at this point, is not in favor of a strong wolf tribe. In all of Norway there are between 8-15 wolves, making a positive development iwithin their species, a difficult task. These wolves might not find each other, and therefore mating is a challenge.

Theres is no good reason for why we should not have wolves in Norway. They have just as much right, as a part of our eco-system, to be in Norway. So they might take a lamb every once in a while, but is that a reason for extinction? I say no!
Canada is a good example of a place where wolves are commonly accepted, and where the tribe is strong.

While many may think wolves are worthless, they should still be able to co-exist with humans. 

Billy Elliot

The movie Billy Elliot was in my opinion a superb movie. It was, however, made quite some time ago, making it somewhat less appealing to me. Nevertheless, I thought portrayed the situation of a troubled young boy and his family in a proper way. One truly must admire his courage to step up to his family, and doing what he really wants. Billy has lost his mother, and this is a key factor in the plot of this movie. Ballét being a rather feminin activity, Billy is facing a big challenge fitting into the environment around him, dominated by maskulin cole miners. All this combined makes what Billy does, quite the rebellion, and thusly a more exciting film.

tirsdag 11. september 2012

Well hello there!

What a great day to start such a humerous thing as a blog! For an introduction I would like to tell you a bit about myself. I am 16 years old, born and raised in the demographic center of Norway and for the next 3 years I will be spending my days at Sandvika High School. I am looking forward to sharing my academic experiences with all of you readers!

Kamelose out!

First post of my career!

Hi there fellow specimen! I would like to take this opportunity to give you a heads up about the gold mine of which I am about to create. This blog will not stay small for long, so I would strongly advice you to sponsor me, while this is still economically possible.

xoxo Flapper-clapper