mandag 5. november 2012

Internet manners

Many youth today spend the majority of their day in front of a computer screen, or in some other way browsing the interwebs. The increased amount of anonymity we find on the internet makes for a whole lot of opinions being shared, the one more ignorant than the other. People argue in a very different manner when they are protected by anonymity, thusly making the internet a hard place to have a proper debate. 

Of the comments we typically see below your average youtube video there are rarely any objective, and even more seldomly, comments worth reading. Simple exclaims like ”crap”, ”shit” and ”gay” are surprisingely enough the most common comments on all of youtube. These are nor objective or noteworthy, and still they are as frequent as the raindrops in Bergen.

I myself think it is a shame that the great opportunities the internet offer, are ”trolled” to death by the reckless 12-year-oldes that roam the endless streets of the World Wide Web. Im sick and tired of it. 

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