tirsdag 4. mars 2014

The Spanish-speaking world

I speak two languages fluently, Norwegian and English. I know most of what there is to know about Norwegian culture, and quite a bit about the variety of English-speaking world as well. By the time I graduate from a university I hope to speak a third language fluently, and I am in the process of learning. Nearly 500 million people speak Spanish; imagine how many people I could communicate with if I spoke their language properly!

There are several aspects to learning a language. I learn Spanish- and English grammar in school, but I think my knowledge and understanding of Spanish- and English-speaking cultures and history is equally important. I feel my knowledge of the English-speaking world is adequate, but as for Spanish, it could definitely be better. How did Spanish become such a huge and widely spoken language? By taking a look back in time, I hope to clarify this, as well as presenting the modern state of the Spanish-speaking world. You can read all about this in my upcoming in-depth project for International English.

5 kommentarer:

  1. Sounds like an interesting topic to write about! I look forward to reading about it! I will no doubt be a historical adventure as well.

  2. Hola! Como estas? Yo hablo espanol.

    hello! How are you? I speak spanish.
    It's nice to hear people so interested in exploring new things like a new language. When I started taking Spanish it was a little tough but, I got through it. It is actually a very easy language once you get the hang of it. Good luck with learning Spanish!
    Mr. Jakob's class
    Period 2

  3. Learning a new langauge is awesome! I want to learn Swedish and the correct way to speak in a British ("Londoner") accect. Good luck and tell me how it goes!

  4. Hola Eric and Vivi, soy Erlend! Excited to see the feedback! I´ll definitively post the end result here, so keep an eye up for that. I didn´t start learning spanish before 8th grade, but I´m hanging in there, so hopefully I´ll be fluent some day!

  5. Hola!! I think its so cool you speak TWO languages and want to learn your third!! I also take spanish here in the united states! Its not hard at all! I hope you enjoy learning spanish! Good Luck!!!!
