tirsdag 17. september 2013


The name is quite descriptive of its content, think before you act. There are numerous examples, illustrated through short videos, shown on the site, and even though I barely browsed through about 10 per cent of these, I got an idea of what the purpose is. I don’t think this site is directed towards a specific age group, but there are a lot of people exposed to the dilemmas on www.thinkb4u.com. As a youngster and daily participant of the global internet, I should take this into a count the next time I face a decision like the ones on the site.
From an esthetic point of view the site is a masterpiece. Not only is it easily maneuverable, but the transitions and graphics are all very smooth. There is a lot of work behind this, but it makes the site so much more attractive and comfortable.
Thinking before you act should apply to every choice you makes during a day, but as an avid user of sites and services on the internet that demand personal information, I’d like to focus on this particular part of the topic. Every time you ignore and agree to “Terms of use” you expose yourself. Apple, Google and Facebook have been criticized for their alleged abuse of this, making their users agree to have their activity on the services registered. The group of people that are most vulnerable, to arguably this is youth.

Down below is an earlier post regarding the same topic:

1 kommentar:

  1. Good comment on the web-site and I agree with your focus on the topic of Terms of use. Nobody really knows what they sign when they do. It is too late to complain afterwards!
